Supporting you at home
We offer a range of support to help you stay independent, for as long as possible. If you need an extra pair of hands at home, we can help as much or as little as you need. We can support you with household chores such as cooking. Some of the home-help services we offer include:
Meal Planning
General cleaning (such as disinfecting surfaces, windows, sides, hoovering)
Deep cleaning (Such as organising and cleaning inside of cupboards, drawers, carpet shampooing)
Pet care (including walking, taking to vet appointments, feeding, bathing)
Sorting bills and paperwork
Assisting with benefit and funding applications
Supporting to keep in touch with family (using the phone, and online video calls)
The support we give is centred around your needs, and delivered to keep you as independent as possible. This means that if you struggle to remember when to cook for example, we will be there to help you to remember when to eat and support you to plan your meals, so that you can keep living your life to the best quality. We offer support to people of all ages and abilities and have four years of experience supporting people with a wide range of needs, such as those who are hard of sight, suffering the early stages of dementia, and those with learning difficulties.
What are our values?
Farrow Friends value A.C.T (Above and Beyond, Caring and Trustworthy staff). We believe that the best care and support is delivered by staff who share our company's values. In addition to our A.C.T statement, we believe that upholding the values of the people we support makes a positive difference to the quality of care they receive.
Contact us about home-help today
If this support sounds like something you feel you would benefit from, use the contact form below and ask us for more information. We would love to hear about how we could support you. To ask about service costs, you can either call us on: 01476 385 395 or fill out the contact form below.
Please note it can take up to 3 working days to respond to enquiries by email.